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Pyroscape Mad Libz

I've done too many reviews saying how great flash movies and games are, so I'm going to mix it up a little. Here's a Mad Libz.

i reley dont wan to say this, but i have to now.
this game is so SEXY. i mean, all you do is hit the FIRE ZOMBEZ!! thats it! how is this an AWSOME PUPPY anyway? you cant contrail anything but what it says on the BALLS! what if i didnt want to buy the PROSTITUTE? what apout quests? all you can upgrade is NICK'S MAN PART? there is no way you can lose to NICK'S MAN PART at the end! this game is FABULOUS! its not even an PUPPY at all! i mean look at it! in what way is this supposed to be an RPG if you can do quests and stuff? all you do is press one butten the entier time! explain to me! the athore coments al totol LICHENSPINULOSIS! is it supposed to be stick dudes? i dont even know how this SEXY game got the daily 3rd prize, or a PENIS of 4.26!
pepole think this review is worthles.
go ahead! say it! i dont care! im just trying to make a point here!
5 this piece of GORGEOUS BUTT CHEESE!!!!

P.S the only reson im giving this a 1 is beacuase the voices where pretty good. but thats it!"

MonoFlauta responds:

WTF?! haha thanks for reviewing lol

Best. Game. Ever.

This game is so awesome, it includes an original soundtrack!
Ima download it and play it in my car :D

Fro responds:

I want that song to be so big I get in trouble with copyright laws.

It has a solid Gaming Engine and nice graphics

The only problem seems to be a bug in which the game doesn't do anything once you either a) run out of time or b) complete the level. The game seems to slowly freeze up on the player. I would like to see more of this be developed as it is a very polished and presented game.

mousebreaker2009 responds:

That bug has been fixed now - thanks!

That's no Supra, it's a Ferrari! :D

Seriously though, the sound effects and the interesting dialogue/actions made this a fun to play game. One loophole though, if he pissed on his car to extinguish the flames, couldn't he do the same for the door? Eh, doesn't matter.
By the way, if you right click then click on the maze you can get out faster, as well as the tab/enter trick that you *still* haven't fixed.
But, this game was supposed to be entertaining, and you get a 10 for effort, 11 for the effects, and a -1 for a lack of Supraness.

Fro responds:

Lol, I'll tell the programmer the mistakes.


Great job. Not much to say, that I didn't say in the one before, so yeah.
Great work, man.

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

Hey thanks supra. ;)

Not too too bad

I'm glad you two got around to making a flash video for madness day 08'
The picture of the furbie is kind of unnecessary but....hey, whatever works for you guys. Ok, moving on to the actual flash game itself. The scene is a little zoomed out and it looks like the focus was mainly on the accessories, and not the scene itself. You could either enlarge the scene or make a zoom button. Also, I noticed that one scene can get a little boring, which you could probably make a movie clip for the scene where you add a different scene in each frame, put stop(); on the first and get two buttons to control the scene change. Also, I found the lack of a mute/song change button can lead to headaches. Don't for get a way to delete the movie clips that you don't want(extra hats, hands ect.)
You can probably find the actionscript for the way on how to do that online somewhere-maybe even at newgrounds. Other than that, I'm glad you used your own artwork and kept it relatively original-great job you two.

randompedestrian responds:

woot tanxs supra also it's not a furby, it's a pokemon that i just forgot the name of, possibly a chancey lol.

Not too bad

Hey, why didn't you tell me that you came out with this?
I would have supported you, and not the way you did when you wrote the review for mine... Anyway, the preloader works really well for this tutorial, the song can get a little annoying at times which I'm glad I found the mute button for. also, I noticed the track started overlapping when I accidentally hit play while it was playing. I'm sure liveswif has a code to fix it so that it stops when pressed and plays when released so there would be no overlapping. anyway, I'm glad you made a basic tutorial for liveswif to help out people with it, but I noticed you didn't give them any help with the actionscript, and I remember when I used to use that program that that was the biggest issue for me.
Oh well, on with the review.

Gameplay-This is more like how well the tutorial is built, does it have all the necessary guide buttons, helpful tips and visual tools ect.
Your mute and play buttons disappear as soon as the viewer goes to click on a link. also, you might want to put you movie clip-I mean sprite for the mouse on the top layer so it wont be overlapped by the buttons, giving the user a frustrating moment. If you could fix the directory buttons so they are easy to find it would also be more helpful. I hope I helped.

Audio- Like I said before, once you can fix the actionscripting to put the buttons on all layers and fix the repeating bug in your tutorial, it should help the user out even more.

Violence-It does not really apply to this specific flash tutorial...

Helpful- This relates as to how helpful your tutorial is. Despite a couple of bugs, the tutorial does help out with the user getting to know their tools.
But overall, it is only helpful for people trying out liveswif, but I had a feeling that was what it was intended to do.

Summary- Great job, elbarto66, I might have to put up a tutorial afterall, because you inspired me to :3

overall 7/10
Decent Score
your old friend-Supra Addict

elbarto66 responds:

oh ya I made that review because you told me you were not going to do the tut and you left everyone waiting for noting.

Side note: best review I ever seen lol

ya there some error
audio has big problems
the button was what I was think if you guys had a hard time geting to hit it.
when I heared from you were not going to make the tut I had to go and make one after a user name streyeder ask me to so i did
I work hard on the art work
I'll make another tut
best im kind of lazy lol
I give your review a 10/10
your old friend-Elbarto66


At first, I thought you had to wait for the Basket ball come to a complete stop before shooting again. I'm glad I found out that that wasn't the case. You might want to add on a tutorial so people can better understand how this game works. Nevermind, lol, I found it on the bottom of your game. I feel so embarrassed.

Anyway, it is a simple arcade game that is fun to play over and over, trying to get
the highscore which is impossible, being 1600 or something around that.

Originality-I've seen a couple games like this and some that are basically the same objective and goal. Sorry to point this out, but this one game doesn't have anything that really just allows it to stand out among the rest.

Gameplay-A simple engine and actionscript goes a long way for this game. The highscore board doesn't immediately add you on, but thats just minor.
Overall, it's a pretty entertaining, competitive game.

Audio-Every sound you put in the game was well worth it. The swish sounds, basket ball sounds, and even the rim sounds great. it gives you a feel that you're actually playing Basketball.

Graphics-Well, the graphics are not entirely made in flash so this one is hard to rate. the basket ball and hoop are both made with flash, but almost everything else isn't. I would have to say, that you probably want to experiment with backgrounds so you can eventually create one that is better than the one you have now.

Violence-There isn't really any violence in this game, unless the basket ball magically flies out and hits the crowd, but I didn't expect a basket ball flash game to have any violence in it anyway.

Summary: Though there are a couple of minor flaws with the game, it still is entertaining to play and to score high upon. The only major problem with it is its lack of ability to stand out among previous Flash game submissions similar to it.
Aside from that, there only was slight work done in flash, and it seems the main focus for the game was the actionscripting, which, for the most part, is flawless.
All in all, I would recommend people to try this game and see what they think for
themselves so they can better understand it.

Overall 8/10
Decent Score

mike950f responds:

Thank you for the detailed and informative review!
Very helpful.
Thank you again!

Not bad at all, buddy

Even though the whole "Star Wars"
and Jedi stuff isn't my niche, I can
still commend you for you working so
hard on this one of a kind flash
game/download to help young
aspiring newgrounders with
their flash games and/or
flash movies.

Also, something that was a little
annoying for the flash game is
that there is not anything to do.
I get that it is just a resource
for helping amateurs out,
as said in the title.

But it would be help if you added a
download link so newgrounders
that are interested in the Star Wars
genre have an easy way to download
it. Also, the inventory is pretty limited.
You could add action script to
customize your own lightsaber
like for different handles, grips,
color schemes, and auras.

Other than that, it is a pretty good resource
for people so, I congratulate you on your
game and I hope it scores higher if you
make a 2nd version.

Overall 6/10
Good job

Hope I helped

satan112 responds:

There is a download link in the first frame of the flash. Look again?
Anyway everything else you said is right on the money and I may come back to this and add something more too it.

Fun gaming engine

What caught my eye was how unique the loading screen was.
It's not like anything I've ever seen before, and for that I have to give you credit.

This is a great arcade game that you should be proud of, especially of how easy it is

to learn the controls and a basic objective-crash all other helicopters.
Though, I think there is room for improvement, like how all the other helicopters are the same model and color. If you make another, make a choice of what type and color helicopter the player can be. Trust me, It helps out a lot :)

Sorry to say though, it reminds me of indestructo Tank.
overall, 9/10
Awesome Score

Maccomo responds:

Thank you for that nice review :)

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