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Hahaha I love it!

Well, I wonder who came up with this one....

Overall, the animation was pretty good, the sound effects hilarious and the fun of, Michael Bay, used just right for clockday. Nice job putting this together! I would suggest having actual explosions with the voice; In my experience doing that, it comes out great, for comedy, and that extra kick.
Overal 10/10
Where is the Pirate girl at the end?

DrSevenSeizeMD responds:

I should have put her!!! MICHAEL BAYSPLOSIONS BIOEW BIEW BIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was alright

It might be just me, but the audio rapper was too slow to speak his verses, and they weren't really tied together well lyrical-wise. The animation was pretty simple, but on such a fast delivery of a flash video, that is exceptional, especially the lip syncing, which I have no clue on how to do. Overall, it was a great flash, but not the best choice in music (my opinion at least).
Oh and Paryl, no, no it doesn't. I fucking love Immortal Technique, check my userpage :P

YoinK responds:

yea well I made a game about this kid a year ago and felt kinda bad about it so I made a music vid. I thought this was his best rap song and so I went with it. i've watched all kinds of tutorials on lip synching and all were very helpful.

There's a Wilhelm Scream in your movie!

Well, to be entirely honest, the graphics in your movie aren't exactly up to par, but you've really managed to use your added sounds to the best of advantage in your flash, so it definitely makes up for it. I'm not sure if you intended the beginning to start off with the animation like that to parody Egoraptor's or if it is by pure coincidence, but it still worked out regardless. By the way, I noticed there was a Wilhelm scream used in your flash; where exactly did you find it, and can you pm me a link? :3

Sh0ckFyre responds:

Yeah, the art style of the Awesome 'toons, namely the very first of them, weren't exactly Da Vinci, and that's kind of what I tried to mimic in here.

Yes, that was a Wilhelm scream. I got it from Action Doom 2.

Great animation and jokes!

You have added so much detail using simplistic methods, that I am jealous. From the opening scene you've gotten so many layers for your figures, it's amazing at how well it runs.

Just about everything was audible, but there were some scenes where it seemed too fake for what was going on. I'm not sure who your voice actors are, but they've done a pretty decent job.

-Visual presentation
Flawless, absolutely flawless. You've added so much detail and appropriate color to your movie that it makes it Television Grade.

The lip syncing was excellent, I don't think I saw a part in which they went off cue. The running animation towards the beginning could be worked on a bit more, it looked a bit...off.

The jokes were excellent, the characters (well, most of them) had depth, and altogether, created a great movie. I can tell that you've worked hard on this and it payed off.

The jokes were original, the characters were detailed, animation was a bit off, and the filesize makes people with dial up want to kill themselves, right Fro?

Aeonstars responds:

Thank you very much for this in depth review :). I took this thing to the limits my computer could take flash. It was constantly crashing and taking 5 minutes to load a single click so it was unbelievably frustrating. For that reason, some mouths would never sync despite my best efforts so I'm glad you thought they were perfect lol.

The Lip Syncing was Perfect! :D

Alright, I didn't even have to play the resident evil series to get the jokes. There once was a system called a nin-ten-do 64, and on that system was a game called Perfect Dark. The times back then the characters couldn't move their mouths to do voice acting, and I sure that was what you two were getting at.

Acting-wise, nothing short of brilliance. The over-dramatic running to reach places 3 feet in front, and hugging the side of the wall/door while still running in place, that was great acting. Oh, and speaking of reaching places at a close distance, the phone, that was a shot at Resident Evil if there were any. Even though I know close to nothing about RE1, I know that they're notorious for asking the obvious and requiring the unneeded.

The replaying of the enter/exit door I'm sure was in the game, so I can't complain about that. The one thing I didn't get, was the whole library thing. Was that in the game, or was it a joke gone wrong?

There were a couple downsides to the movie.
The lighting was great, but it lit up the unnecessary, like the posters and other objects that distract you from whats going on, like an ADD patient chasing a butterfly.

Other than that, great job with it.

Fro responds:

Answered all questions via AIM conversation.

One of the first sprite movies I've rated.

I don't know what it is about them, I just can't stand them. It almost has no original artwork, which, when used with the same sprites in many different flashes, over and over, and over again, can get quite repetitive. When given this, I can only focus on the storyline and try to pick up pieces to put together in a review.

That aside, There were some good parts to it, such as the scene where there is a green guy who deflected the red guy's attack and blew up his shit. That, made me laugh, especially with the captions that went along with it.

Although, I didn't get the whole spider thing stealing my sword part, it didn't come along anywhere else in the movie and was a little pointless.

Overall, it wasn't bad, but it could have had more potential.

Fro responds:


That's clearly from the Golden Axe game. It was just a funny side joke. Go play golden axe now.

Not bad at all.

Overview-I can tell that you all have put a lot of effort into this movie, with the voice overs on the guns and ultimately, narration. It starts out in a dark light, but I don't see any relevance of having the introduction start out with the road at night.

General Quality-Obviously rating this would be like a child rating the Blair Witch project; I know nearly nothing about cameras other than SLRs and digital, and it is clear that this was a low budget movie, so professional equipment is out of the question. Given this, I would suggest that after the introduction narration ends with, "They say a lot of things..." you should cut out the road part, or at least clean your damn windshield!

Quality Visual-I'm sure you were shooting for the over dramatic, but in the beginning it just lets on too fast to be taken as a serious film (wink wink.) If you're determined to keep the night driving scene, you have to build up to it with a bit more detail, such as having an overlay, or "flashbacks" of the murders to make the viewer subconsciously say, "oh my god, this is devastating" so that they can fall into the FroNick Trap Of Comedy. There is also a lack of lighting, but I think it has been covered already.

Quality Audio-It is painfully obvious which parts have been voiced over and which ones were not by the faint buzz noise that plagues camcorders today. I'm sure that editing out the noise from it would be too time consuming, but voicing over everything is the only other alternative I can see to improve the quality. I've seen a couple of student made movies regarding this, but yours seems to be overall decent.

High Points-
The Gun Sounds. They are absolutely perfect for the movie, since they are easily distinguished between each other, not to mention it brings me back to a TS cheat that does the same thing.

The Anal Fissure Cream. This was it, the main spin that told the viewer, they've been punk'd, rick roll'd/rig roll'd, and/or played(FTOC'd). The main thing I liked about it had to be that it was subtle, yet it wasn't. The way it was spoken seemed like it was being taken serious, until you realized what was being said.

The Smiley Faic locations-I always had a spot for people who are given the evidence, and everything to solve it right in front of their faces, and then dismiss it as "unsolvable." I also like the reference to the cherrybomb-mailbox arson a while back. Whoever thought of this part I would like to commend.

Low Points-
The music choices were excellent, but the transitions are a bit hasty. For instance, you have this beautiful violin solo, then it cuts out and another track is played. I would recommend that they overlap just a titch to give it a smooth transition.

The "My Family" title under the photo was a miss. I know it was supposed to be the FTOC, but it was a bit too subtle. Build up to it a little bit more and I'm sure you'll get your desired result.

Overall, it was pretty good. Try to work on the transitions, voice overs, and lighting. Your strong points are that you have a great comedy sense of humor, and a creative twist on the storyline, like how there always seems to be one person that doesn't follow the movie, such as the guy from Snow Wars who pointed out the time, the cameraman from Hay wars at the end, and last, the angry character that Corey shoots at once. Once.

I tried to be as unprejudiced as possible.

Fro responds:

The driving scene was suppose to represent how the cop was endlessly searching for this murderer late into the night. I also noticed how dirty the windshield was after the movie was put together.

The whole flashbacks thing is a decent idea, but you do see the file size right? We could only fit in about 30 more seconds so it might have seemed a bit rushed if we added too much in that short amount of time.

The white buzzing noise is something we missed this time around. I think it's a better idea to have the buzzing noise during the whole thing just because it's easier to have then editing it out of the other parts.

The gun noise still makes me laugh for some reason.

The anal fissure part almost killed me because I didn't know the voice actor did that part.

Lastly, the music will be noted better next time.

Thanks for the great review. Always appreciated from you.

That was a mindfuck and a half

I'll rate this as I would with any other flash movie.

Animation-As always, it was pretty smooth and clean cut. The style isn't like any of your previous submissions, but I'm glad that you tried a new technique out from your classy gray scaled flash submissions.

Storyline-You are one of three people that can successfully pull off something so strange and plot twisting in less than a minute. The storyline made absolutely no sense to me, until I dug a bit deeper and realized that the pig felt like he was misinterpreted, and tried to find his actual identity.

Audio-Straight from the album with Crap, Vomit, Garbage, and Leisurely Ragtime, right? Still, I think it was a pretty suitable choice for the story.

End comments-I believe you chose the pig to symbolize the latest epidemic, the Swine flu, and how he was misinterpreted as, Nasty Pig.

Overall, great Job Krinkels, and I'm sure it was great to take a break from the usual Madness series.


I like it.

Well, for the most part, it was funny, especially the one with him blogging about "burning down the school, police station, and Canada." The way that artist made it out to be so ridiculously hilarious was nothing short of brilliance.
Although you had to resubmit this because of the attention it never received because we turned into 24 hour communists, I still think something as great as this would have stood out from "Tiananmen Square" and "Super Sweatshop Mastar." Either way, it came out great.

There were other parts that were creative, like Evan's part with Rig, shouting out, "Owned N00b!" I'm not sure who did the one with Tom at the computer going, "Exclamation mark! Exclamation Maaark!" but that had me laughing to tears it was so hilarious.

The entry that I felt was true, even though the disclaimer said it was "a joke," was the publicity with Rig, and the reality. You really hit the nail on the head with that one :)

Overall 9/10
Great work everyone, and Dammit MechaBloby, put more work into it! ;)

14hourlunchbreak responds:

Thanks for the helpful review! I'm glad you liked it. One of the best parts was, like you said, by Utterly-Moot. I laughed so hard, when he said "And, and then a one." right after all the exclamation points.

Great Job

This was relatively quick, in response to the chinese remake of Newgrounds, and for that, I commend you on your ability to accurately portray this.

LeafLock responds:

well i was up when the site first switched over, so i immediately spent twenty minutes or so throwing this together.

Joined on 3/18/07

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