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Funny concept

I never thought that the irony of one of the best flash websites would have a NG Awards in video format. I have to give you props, this was a really interesting idea, and how you kept in Tom's outtakes/bloopers made it a great movie to watch. I will not say I agree with all the choices, but I will say the presentation of the awards was so great, it was like an actual broadcast on TV advertising Newgrounds to the public *Hint Hint.*

Just kidding, I realize some of the downsides of advertising, but still, great job on the movie. I have no suggestions on what you can improve on, except maybe put a cream-pie throwing contest in there. You know, maybe, maybe have a couple of moderators...a game show out of it, ect. :)

Overall 9/10
Awesome job with this

MindChamber responds:

cool thanks, Im glad you dug it

There's going to be more of them, right? :P

It's been a while since I've written a review, so I'm a bit cold about how this works.

Alright, so I've got to say you put yourselves in a difficult place, with the building expectation from Hay Wars. Still, you kept your cool under the cold pressure of your fans, and did pretty well. I like the whole "rallying your troops" skit and how, even though the leaders are mortal enemies, they still have a lot in common, like having to deal with the incompetence of their drone buddies (maybe I should act in the next one.)
I don't quite get why one guy was holding a tree branch, was it there just for the lulz? The acting was actually believable to a certain degree, and the choreography was great. So....with all great home-made movies, I have to ask this: was anything in it improvised, or was it all planned out before shooting took place? Either way, it made me laugh, so great job, and I look forward to seeing more like this.

I almost forgot, for the constructive criticism, I would say the introduction was a little awkward; I think it was supposed to be a parody of other movies openings, but it didn't quite get through-Try having the words come at you, and over do-it by making it a long sequence, and have someone read it as it flies by.
Other than that, I thought it was brilliant, even if a bit too short.

P.S. great work on the main menu

Fro responds:

The guy with the tree branch was for lulz. Thank you for paying attention enough to see this. :)

Everything was sort of planned out, but we made all the lines up there on the spot pretty much.

Next time I'm going to make the really slow, exaggerated Star Wars intro that slowly rolls up the screen.

Thanks for the great review. :)

replay button

hope this helps

Not the best

On the positive, you made a flash movie that is interactive.
On the negative, there were no sound effects, and note much of a storyline.

There are a couple of websites that you can go to where you can get sound to improve your movie. Also try to come up with a couple different storylines and go with the one you think is best.

superuber responds:

sorry dude, but i did say this was a comic.
when was the last time you opened up a superman comic and heard any sound effects with the exception of page turning? Hmm? Im waiting....

lol, walk the dog

Not bad at all. Although the preloader didn't work for me. hehehe, the hand conquering the world? Thats a bit much, still, a pretty funny flash story, great job!

randompedestrian responds:

ty i had to put benny hill in 1 of my videos

Interesting movie

You surprised me by the way you did this. I never would have thought of a movie having such creativity. That was a pretty good flash movie.

Storyline-Normally, these stick movies are just mindless killing. Yours isn't any different, but it was excellent. Your creativity on it is what makes this movie stand out above the rest.

Violence-You never see blood, or brutal punches, but you still know what is happening so I'd say you did well on this category.

Audio-If this flash movie had no sound, it would be very hard to understand what was going on. But, since it does, it really made the movie easy to follow.

Theme-This movie did have a moral to itself. I'm guessing it's on the lines of, what goes around, comes around. And it was brilliant.

animation-I guess you wanted it to be simple, since it would be better regarding the black and white storyline.

Overall, a great movie with a great twist, 9/10
Awesome job!

-Supra Addict

Lol, I loved it!

I never even knew there was a first Yoshi show to begin with! After I'm done reviewing this flash movie, I'll go stop by and watch it over there :P

Anyway, Your flash movie, the yoshi show 2, is just so random that it is funny.
There were a couple of parts that made me laugh my butt off. Like that scene with link when he drops his stuff and it just goes, "You found a Ruler!"
That is just pure genuine parody comedy! I love parody flash movies, something about them is just so funny that it puts everything else to shame. You were right, the sound is a titch off, but it doesn't really ruin the movie itself. I can tell you put in loads of hard work into this flash, so I'm glad it scored high on the portal.

Originality-Your funny jokes were both original and gut busting, which is why I think this is one of the most original flash movie parodies out there on newgrounds.com right now. How did you find the inspiration for such great comedy scenes? Whatever made you think of it, I'm glad it happened or this would be a very, very, very dull flash movie to review, lol.

Storyline-Being a group of parodies, I really didn't expect to see any kind of storyline what so ever in the flash movie, so I wasn't at all disappointed in the flash, or you. All in all, it might not have a storyline, but the humor makes up for it, big time. Who knows, maybe there is a storyline but I fail to see it. You'll tell me if there is one or not, right? Don't just leave me hangin :'(

Audio-Well, it was off by a little bit, but it wasn't anything too flash life threatening. The voices were really done well, up to the part where my speakers some how shut off. I found out it was a loose wire, but not before losing bits of precious parody scenes from this flash movie.

Graphics-Visually, you added a lot of stunning vivid coloring to your characters, which I am not entirely used to. But, the flash was well animated, and I can't find a single "choppy" scene in your flash movie. Great job!

Summary:It was a great parody, using famous characters and pitting them in real life situations, which shows some of their disadvantages to being the heroes that they are.

Overall 9/10
Awesome score
Hope I helped-Supra Addict

chibiyoshi responds:

Wow o.o! Thanks for such a wonderful review ^^!! You really helped lighten my mood! I am honored to know someone sees it so highly and well done! Oh, no storyline btw XD; Its just me and my friends, some of the parodies were inspired by real events that go on with me and my friends XD Thats why some jokes may have not made sense. Some of it is actually to honor them, cause they've helped me so much. And of course my boyfriend (Rukia look-a-like, blacked haired one in 2nd caramelldansen scene) I couldn't have done it with out them to inspire me ^_^ So yes, to answer your last question, you helped A LOT 8D!

Not bad, not bad at all.

Hey Phantox, nice to see you going back and re-making your old flash movies again!
I still remember the first time I saw the old Death Eagle series. I'm not going to lie, and, just like you, I thought it needed work too. In this remake, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that you have added more detail to your characters, giving them a better look, even when dead. I'm not sure what made you decide that you wanted to put off your hentai galleries to do this, but I'm glad you did. Oh, by the way, are you going to stop with those galleries down the road? Don't you think it degrades your reputation as a flash artist, animator, and actionscriptor? Huh, oh well, I guess It's just wishful thinking, right?

Anyway, enough idle chit-chat, I better get along with the review. I'm still working on my review format, but so far I have originality, which is basically saying how original your flash movie is, audio, which is a summary of all the sounds that you put in your flash, and how well they work together. I also have Graphics, or how well drawn your flash was, and last, storyline, which just means that if your flash follows a story, how well made it is and if it has any theme, or moral of the story. Take Krinkel's early flash movies into example, he put a moral at the end of each movie up to the 3rd I believe it was. so....

Originality-Since your flash is a remake of your old flash movie, there isn't much I can put down on this category, other than the determination to strive for a all-round better flash movie than it's retarded cousin prequel :P

Audio-Not bad gunshot sounds and that background music isn't bad either. I think you created a great flash by knowing how to use those audio flies well.

Graphics-Even though the characters are well drawn, the movie's animation is still a little off and stiff. Animation is one of the hardest atrocities the artist must overcome next to detailed actionscript, another pain.

Storyline-Once again, since it's a remake of the old flash of yours I don't think this category applies to this either.

Summary: even though you made your flash movie a lot more artistically pleasant, you still need to work on animation a little bit more to truly get 100%
out of the flash program you are using.

Awesome Score!
Hope I helped-Supra Addict

Phantox responds:

I decided to remake the episodes so I can advance in my skills in flash. I will still be working on hentai submissions but not as much as I used to. I don't think it will lower my reputation because they won't be just pictures; they will have minigames in the flash.

Your categories helped me. Thanks for that. I'm still pretty bad at animating. Especially with legs and all that sort of stuff.

Anyways, thanks I'll take your advice and use it for the next movie =)

I haven't played this game yet, but

It's hilarious! I love the way you parodied how it really is like in the game,
as far as I know by San Andreas and the commercials for Grand Theft Auto IV.

What really pulled me into this movie would have to be the big heads and the voicing. Both were brilliantly made to make viewers laugh their asses off.

Every single scene you put in your flash was perfect and just as hilarious as the next. Dude, I hope you win front page for this flash, it is fantastic!

The animation ran smoothly and showed how much hard work you had to put in to the flash. And this is definitely appropriate for your two-month come back.
I'm not sure how you can up with the idea to have GTA IV, Petty Crime Spree, but it was funny. Oh my god, it was funny.

I want to point out a bug in it though. During the scene where he was driving on the bridge, a white object kept flashing in the sky, but other than that it was excellent.

Storyline-Even though it seemed random because of different scenes, parodies have to reflect the game, event or movie they are parodying. You kept with the petty crime spree, and the scenes were in good sequence. You have nothing to improve on in this category.

Audio-What can I say, the voicing really sold the flash, but there was one scene where it was a little inaudible, which was when the main character started talking to Roman. The song tracks were well suited to the flash movie, especially that last scene with him dancing like a fool. Great acting.

Graphics-The graphics were pretty simple and cartooney. The big heads and short bodies were entertaining to view. You have a great drawing style and I hope to see more quality work from you like this in the future :)

Overall, this flash movie was a pleasure to watch and select as my favorite.
-Supra Addict

Battosai810 responds:

Wow! Great review man!
I'm so happy this toon is being so well received, and I'm pretty positive it's a good thing I didn't shovel a smaller version into that collab. Also happy you liked my art style; I've been trying to carve out a niche for myself and I think I'm starting to get it.
As for the audio in that scene - yeah, Niko's line is kinda quiet. I came down with a cold about halfway through making this toon, so some voice acting in the latter half isn't up to par either...
As for the white in the sky; I drew a cloud and didn't like it; might have been left into a frame or two accidentally.
Once again, thanks for the great review!

Words can't describe

How great this flash was.
It was highly unexpected that it would turn out that
way and how brilliantly made it is with cinematic looks
and a great feel for it. I have to credit PropagandaClock
for directing me to this flash movie, eitherwise
I might have missed it.

Originality-10, hands down, it is no competition that
this is unique. you tried very hard on it, and it paid off
Great job

Audio-In the beginning, it was slow, but when it cut to that certain
scene, it was so intense and dramatic that I was deeply impacted
by its sophistication and philosophical meaning. 9.5

Graphics- It isn't the graphics as so much as how you used
them to their full extent to produce a work of art. an earned 10

Theme-This surprisingly does have a strong morale,
so I must reward it with a solid 10

Overall, It was superior in ever way thinkable and
I am so impressed with this flash, I selected it as
one of my favorites.

I can't wait to see more from you and
I hope that all your flash movies that you
make in the future will be as deep-impacting
and sophisticated as this one, even though
the subject is Bill Murray.

Bottom Line, great job, man.

-Supra Addict

Joined on 3/18/07

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