lol, made me laugh
Well, it looks like it was made Frame by frame, but
it still looked terrific!
I'm a little surprised on how you chose that car
specifically, which I'm guessing is your favorite
vehicle, Am I right? :3
Not bad for being the fastest car in the world, and a
great advanced car system, now if only my favorite
car had something like that ;-)
I'm going to try a more retro review type, so bear
with me, ok? :P
Originality-Well, I can't say the flash movie is
totally original, due to the transformer, but,
the way you added the twist on the car thief
was, so I'd give it a 7.5
Audio-It didn't have an actual track, but you
did add some nice sound effects to your
flash movie to make it more interactive with
the user. That earns you an 8 :P
Storyline-While not as deep as Prowlies at
the river, it still has some basis and is not
entirely random, so, you guessed it, a 6.5
Humor-This is where you really rack in some
points here. it was pure comedy and the deliverance
was excellent, so it's a 9.5
Theme-it had a moral to the story, while not as
touching and moving as many, I guess a guy
getting shot out of a cannon of a car's system
counts... 7
Overall, 8
Great Flash!